
The Clinical Education Network

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The Dos And Don’ts Of Dental Implants

For anyone considering dental implants, as with any medical procedure, there are several actions and activities you should adhere to, and some which you must avoid at all times. There will be several reasons for any of these ‘dos and don’ts’ with the most applicable being the patient’s well-being and to ensure that nothing can compromise any healing which has to take place.

With dental implants, one of the most important processes which take place is the fusing of the jawbone with the titanium inserts. This takes place in the months following the surgery and ensures that the foundation for your implants is as secure and solid as can be. As such you want to nothing that can set back this fusing, or worse, compromise it completely. With this in mind here are some of the most important dental implants dos and don’ts.

Do Follow The Advice From Your Dental Implant Specialists

In truth, this applies to any medical scenario, but we include it as we certainly want you to follow any advice your dental implant professionals give you. This applies to the period before the procedure, and most certainly in the recovery period following the surgery as this helps to ensure there are no issues such as infection which can compromise the whole process.


Dentistry for Good

How 3D Planning Could Change the World of Dentistry for Good

There’s no denying that dental care has come a long way in recent years. After all, it wasn’t all that long ago that a blacksmith would perform dental procedures in any old darkened alley. However, it has come further than you may think, especially when regarding dental implants.

Dental implants have long been a preferred way in which to replace a missing tooth without resorting to dentures. Any accident, injury, or illness can require tooth removal, but it’s always helpful to know that dental implants are a way to solve the problem.

Dental implants are frames or posts constructed of metal that a dentist positions in your jawbone underneath your gum. Once in place, your dentist can then fit replacement teeth onto those posts. Unlike dentures, dental implants are firmly in place and take on the role of a natural tooth with full function.

However, dental implants require enough bone for a solid tooth foundation, and those who have suffered from an accident or injury resulting in tooth loss may not have enough.

Dentists solve that problem with a surgical procedure known as bone grafting. Titanium mesh supports the shape of the graft as new bone grows. However, that material can irritate soft tissue and can be particularly tricky to mold in place and get right.
