
The Clinical Education Network

Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
The Advantages For Your Physiotherapy Business Of Hiring A Local SEO Agency

The Advantages For Your Physiotherapy Business Of Hiring A Local SEO Agency

If you own or run a physiotherapy business that has a website, you will be aware that one of the key strategies to drive traffic to that website is for it to rank highly on Google. SEO specialists report that over 55% of all traffic from Google is sent to the websites that occupy the top 3 positions on page #1 for any given search term.

This fact alone should be incentive enough for you to seek to have your website aiming to reach those top spots on Google but knowing what you need, and actually being able to achieve it are two very different things. It might be you are well versed in SEO tactics, however, you are but one person, and having the knowledge of what to do is seldom enough without the time and resources to put that knowledge into practice.

That is why almost all business owners take the wise decision to carry on doing what they do best, which is to run their business, and instead employ a local SEO agency to plan and implement the strategies necessary to get their website ranked highly on Google. That same principle applies to you and your physiotherapy business as it does to any other.

With a local SEO agency taking care of your SEO, you can continue to focus on running your business, so straight away you are in a win-win situation, Your business is being run professionally and continues (we hope) to be successful, and in the meantime you have a skilled and professional team of SEO experts working on your website’s ranking and as they do so, you can expect to see more visitors to your website, which should lead to more clients.


The Handful Diet

The Handful Diet

From 2017 to 2018, the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ National Health Survey found that two-thirds of Australian adults were either overweight or obese. The food we’re eating, the unhealthy recipes we’re cooking with, and even the wine, beer, and other alcohol we’re consuming could all play a part.

If you feel like you’ve put on a few extra pounds, then you may be trying to find a way to get rid of them. Diet and exercise can be a recipe for success. For some, the diet revolving around handfuls of food has proven to be an ideal way to shed those extra pounds.

The handful diet, known as the Scandi Sense Diet, was formed by a Danish dietitian and biotech company CEO, Suzy Wengel. Rather than use complicated measuring and calorie counting methods, she used a “handful” approach, which allowed her to lose 88 pounds (39.9 kilograms) in just ten months.


How Long Until You See Results with a Waist Trainer 

How Long Until You See Results with a Waist Trainer 

One of the most common questions people ask when they buy waist trainers is how long will it be until I see results? No matter which reputable company you buy your waist trainer from, there is no single answer. Instead, many things can contribute to how long you can expect to wait.

Instant Slimming with a Waist Trainer

You can see results instantly with a waist trainer, but that’s because of the high-compression latex with which the waist trainer is made. When you put it on, it can slim down your waistline by even as much as four inches.

However, it’s not realistic to wear your waist trainer 24 hours per day, seven days a week. So, what about results that come about from the use of a waist trainer along with exercise and a healthy diet?


The Facts and Fiction of Botox 

The Facts and Fiction of Botox 

Unless you’ve spoken to a health professional – such as www.botoxonline.net – about Botox before, you may not be aware of what’s right and what isn’t. There is a lot of misinformation in the public arena, so it can take plenty of research from reputable sources to get to the bottom of it. Read on to learn some of the more common myths that can clear up some pressing questions you may have had.

Botox Isn’t Safe

Many people may believe that Botox isn’t safe because it’s derived from the botulinum toxin that’s poisonous in food. Yes, the botulinum toxin can indeed make you sick, but the same isn’t true about Botox.

Botox stays in the injection site in which it’s administered, and it doesn’t move around. What’s more, it’s had FDA approval since 1989 for treating eye spasms. Then, by 2002, it was approved for cosmetic use. Since then, tens of thousands of people have benefited from Botox as a form of treatment

Botox is Addictive

It’s easy to believe that Botox is addictive when you hear of people getting more than one treatment. In reality, Botox is only a temporary treatment, which means anyone who sees its benefits will get it every three to four months.

Botox is not something that offers a high nor promotes a physical addiction. Therefore, it’s not something to which you can become addicted.


7 Fun Indoor Activities For Adults

7 Fun Indoor Activities For Adults

Whilst being outdoors is normally where you want to be in good weather, there will occasions that you are indoors with a group of friends, family, work colleagues or on date nights. If fun is the order of the day, then having some knowledge of group activities for adults indoors is going to be important if you do not want the occasion to become a boring event that no one enjoys.

If you are struggling to come up with unique ideas for group activities for adults, then we are here to help. Listed below are 7 activities which we are sure you and your group will look back on with pleasure.

#1 Whodunnit Evening

Everyone loves a mystery, and if it is a murder mystery, all the better. Thankfully, there is no real murder victim, but nevertheless, you and your group have to sift through clues, red herrings, and other evidence to try to identify who the murderer is. You can now play these on game consoles or download them from the internet, with a new victim and set of clues each time. (more…)

Moving Home

How To Make Moving Home As Stress-Free For Your Pets As Possible

Moving home can be a stressful event for all the family, especially on the day, although you can mitigate some of that stress by planning everything well in advance and employing a professional removalists company.

Despite taking these steps, there is one (or possibly more than one) member of the family who is often overlooked when it comes to stress reduction during a house move, and that is the family pet. This is especially so when that pet is a dog or cat, who are both creatures of habit.

The upheaval of them moving to completely new surroundings, inside and outside, can be incredibly stressful for pets. While family members might be able to communicate how they are feeling, our pets often cannot, and thus we are unaware that they are in any way upset or even in distress.

So, assuming you love your pet and want to make your house move as stress-free as possible for them, here are some simple tips to help you, and your beloved animal.

The first step should be on any occasion you are visiting your new home prior to the move. When there, try to do a bit of a recce, but with your pet in mind and so look for anything that might be a problem for them such as loose writing or splintered wood panels indoors, and check the garden too for any dangers.

You should prepare a ‘first-night’ bag for your pet, that includes their food, bowls, some toys, and treats so that if the rest of their stuff is packed away in boxes, you at least have the basics for them that evening. Obviously, the specific items will vary depending on the type of pet.

On the day of the move, especially when your removalists arrive and start loading the removal van, it is best that you keep your pet well out of the way. This also applies at the other end when they are unloading.


Sexual Harassment

Dealing With the Mental Health Effects of Sexual Harassment

Among the numerous workplace challenges impacting men and women across the world is sexual harassment. When not dealt with correctly, harassment can significantly impact the victims’ mental health and well-being. On top of this, it can lead to long-term self-confidence and other problems, stunting your career.

Because of this, it’s essential to understand how to deal with the mental health effects of sexual harassment in the workplace. In the rest of this article, we’ve looked at the exact things you need to do if you’ve been a victim of harassment.

  1. Tell People

Despite what you think or what others tell you, sexual harassment in the workplace (or anywhere else) is not okay. If you’ve been a victim, letting people know is essential. Where possible, speak with your manager or an HR officer, especially if the perpetrator is one of your workmates.

In some cases, you may also wish to pursue criminal action. There’s nothing wrong with this, and we’d only recommend employing a good lawyer to ensure your case is a success.



What You Need to Know About Apraxia

An expert in speech pathology can help children with speech impediments, stuttering, and sounds, but their skillset expands far beyond oral communication. A speech therapist is also someone who can help your child to communicate on other levels, with idea expression, thought organization, and attention spans.

Speech and language disorders don’t fit in a box, which means that even children with disabilities and conditions like apraxia, for example, can see great benefit from working with a speech pathologist.

For any parent with a child with apraxia, or waiting for an apraxia diagnosis, there is much unknown information. How do you know what to expect? How do you know what to look out for? How can a speech pathologist help? Read on to find out more about apraxia and your child.

What is Apraxia?

Apraxia is a motor disorder that causes children and adults to have difficulty speaking. Children may know what they want to say, but forming the words and getting them out can prove tricky. The condition is not caused by an underlying disease, but rather damage to the posterior parietal cortex part of the brain.


Laser Eye Surgery

When Should I Consider Laser Eye Surgery?

If you have problems with your vision – such as astigmatism, long-sightedness or short-sightedness – you might have thought about getting LASIK eye surgery. It’s an extremely attractive option with the potential to improve your vision dramatically.

To put it simply, laser surgery generally involves reshaping the surface of the eye to correct vision problems. Although a lot of people end up with 20/20 vision following the procedure, this is by no means guaranteed. And, laser surgery is expensive.

Because of this, we decided to put together this short guide to help you decide when to think about getting laser eye surgery. Consider surgery if:

You Can’t Wear Contact Lenses and Don’t Like Glasses

Although they are quite convenient and generally effective, some people are unable to wear contact lenses due to underlying medical conditions or eye problems. Because of this, they have to wear glasses – and as most of us know, not everyone likes this.

Fortunately, laser eye surgery presents a viable alternative to both contacts and glasses. If successful, you shouldn’t need to use any corrective eye wear.



How Yoga Can Help You to Lose Those Extra Kilos

It can be strange to think that yoga, which is not exactly a high-intensity exercise, can help with your fitness and weight loss. While it’s not the most conventional method for weight loss, that doesn’t mean it can’t have some surprising benefits. But possibly not in the way you might think.

If you love yoga, or you have been thinking about giving it a try, then you may be surprised to find out about the following.

It Can Help You Burn Calories

Everyone knows that a calorie deficit is essential for weight loss, which is why burning calories and eating less is usually a recipe for success when it comes to weight loss. In the traditional sense, yoga doesn’t often make you burn a lot of calories. However, it can help you burn some.

Active yoga classes, such as power yoga, for example, make you move far more than traditional yoga. Restorative yoga, too, has seen some promising results for overweight women who may struggle with different exercises.

It Helps You Sleep Better

The practice of yoga promotes better and deeper sleep, which is promising if you often run on empty throughout the day. So, how does that relate to weight loss?


Addictive Drugs

Falling Down a Rabbit Hole: The Most Addictive Drugs

Millions of people suffer from a drug addiction every year – with thousands making the brave step to check themselves into a drug rehab facility. While drug abuse and addiction might not be something you see every day, the sheer number of addictive drugs on the market will surprise you. Here are some of the more common and addictive.

  1. Heroin

Not only is heroin one of the most addictive drugs, but it’s one of the more harmful ones too. Every year, heroin causes thousands of people to die from overdoses, with thousands more in dire need of a drug rehab facility to take them in.

Heroin is a recreational opiate that creates a euphoria-like state in the user. However, the more heroin you use, the more you need to reach those same heights as your body builds up its tolerance. Then, that’s when the addiction sets in.

  1. Cocaine

Cocaine is the third-most damaging drug in the world, and only around ten percent of Australians haven’t tried it. Cocaine offers the user a lot of energy and feelings of euphoria. However, it also makes your heart beat faster, create feelings of agitation, and raise your blood pressure.

Over 20 percent of people who try cocaine will end up relying on it, which is why a substantial number of people in drug rehab are there to try to get clean from it.


Dental Implant Technology

Major Advancements in Dental Implant Technology

Every year, around eight million people across the globe receive a dental implant. A dental implant is a metal post or pole that a dentist installs into the jawbone below the gum line to support a false tooth. Once the root is in place and the tooth secure, it takes on the form of a natural tooth with full function. You can brush, eat, and chew with it as if it were your own.

Dental implants are growing in popularity today, with more people opting for a tooth replacement rather than leaving a gap where a tooth once sat. Not taking care of tooth loss can result in speech changes, jaw changes, and even a loss of self-esteem.

In the United Kingdom in 2018, dentists performed more than 260,000 dental implant procedures – double the figure from 2013. If that’s anything to go by, it’s a procedure that will get more popular as the years go by.

With that in mind, there’s always room for improvement and advancement in the dental world – especially with procedures such as dental implants. That’s why Image Navigation announced the world’s first advanced image-guided implant system at the 2019 International Dentist Show in Messe Cologne, Germany.


Dentistry for Good

How 3D Planning Could Change the World of Dentistry for Good

There’s no denying that dental care has come a long way in recent years. After all, it wasn’t all that long ago that a blacksmith would perform dental procedures in any old darkened alley. However, it has come further than you may think, especially when regarding dental implants.

Dental implants have long been a preferred way in which to replace a missing tooth without resorting to dentures. Any accident, injury, or illness can require tooth removal, but it’s always helpful to know that dental implants are a way to solve the problem.

Dental implants are frames or posts constructed of metal that a dentist positions in your jawbone underneath your gum. Once in place, your dentist can then fit replacement teeth onto those posts. Unlike dentures, dental implants are firmly in place and take on the role of a natural tooth with full function.

However, dental implants require enough bone for a solid tooth foundation, and those who have suffered from an accident or injury resulting in tooth loss may not have enough.

Dentists solve that problem with a surgical procedure known as bone grafting. Titanium mesh supports the shape of the graft as new bone grows. However, that material can irritate soft tissue and can be particularly tricky to mold in place and get right.



Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign

On your hunt for cosmetic dental procedures to make you feel better about your teeth, you are likely to come across Invisalign. While, at first glance, Invisalign might seem like yet another brand name in the dental product world, it’s far from it.

Instead, it’s a revolutionary form of technology that has made many people smile with more confidence around the world — intrigued yet? Read on to learn everything you need to know about Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses SmartForce Technology for nearly invisible teeth straightening. Instead of metal braces which stand out and come with a range of inconveniences, Invisalign are custom-made aligners that move your teeth to their best position and are entirely removable.

While they are not suitable for everyone in need of cosmetic dental treatment, they suit a significant number of people who would prefer not to wear braces. Ask your Invisalign-trained dentist if they are right for you.

What is the Process for Invisalign?

If you believe that Invisalign may be an excellent cosmetic dental procedure to help straighten your teeth, then it’s a good idea to visit your dentist. They can confirm that it’s right for you or suggest alternative options, such as braces, instead.

If Invisalign is a suitable method, your dentist will take photos, scans, or x-rays of your teeth so that they can create a three-dimensional treatment plan. This plan will also come in handy for the creation of your custom aligners.


Drug Rehab Centre

How to Choose the Best Drug Rehab Centre for Your Needs

If the time has come to consider the possibility of going into a drug rehab centre, then good for you. You’ve identified that you have a drug or alcohol problem, and you are taking the first step to correct it.

Now that you know this is the right move for you, you then need to find the best drug rehab centre for your needs. There are plenty to choose, and all offer different facilities and services. Read on to discover what you must factor in before you make your decision.

Treatment Methods and Protocols

Every drug rehab facility is different, which means the protocols and treatment methods are likely to be as well. It’s crucial to find a facility that provides many of the tools and support networks you will need to get clean.

A few of the drug addiction treatments in a rehab facility could include counselling, medication, mental health evaluations, support groups, and long-term follow-ups. If you find a rehab facility you like, make sure you find out what’s available to support your new journey to sobriety.

Find Out About Aftercare

Studies show that up to 60 percent of addicts who exit drug rehab will end up using their drug of choice again. The relapse might not necessarily be a permanent one, but aftercare could make all the difference to whether you relapse or not.


Rural Health Teaching Sites

Rural Health Teaching Sites

Welcome to the Virtual Orientation Tour website. Our goal has been to develop a suite of virtual tours of rural and remote health practice settings around Tasmania to assist students select and prepare for rural placements. It is important that students understand rural health services, including the supports, resources and breadth of learning opportunities available so they can align their goals and expectations of the rural professional experience placement to optimise clinical learning.

The Virtual Orientation Tours will provide you with a range of site-specific resources to introduce you to the health services provided, on-site clinical learning facilities, key personnel, accommodation, and other learning resources. We hope that this will allay any pre-placement fears, better prepare you for rural placement and make you feel more confident and welcome.


Aboriginal Health Service - Hobart

Aboriginal Health Service – Hobart

Welcome to the Aboriginal Health service in Hobart. The services we offer at the AHS in Hobart include:

    • Consultations with doctors, Aboriginal Health Workers, specialist paediatrician and general physician, nurses, child health nurse and midwife, diabetes educator, dietician and Allied Health professionals;
    • Health promotion campaigns in areas such as: Nutrition; Active lifestyles; Quit smoking; Antenatal support; Oral health; Child and maternal health and Mental health.


Aboriginal Health Services

Aboriginal Health Services

Welcome. Students have limited opportunities to learn about or experience Aboriginal culture, understand Aboriginal health issues or gain work-integrated learning experience in Aboriginal Health Services. These Virtual Tours are designed to prepare students for placement in Aboriginal health so they can make the most of the time available. They include information about:

  • The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre and the health and community services it provides;
  • The location and layout of each service and what is expected of students;
  • The cultural implications and sensitivities of providing health care to Aboriginals;
  • The TAC website and  links to other information about Aboriginal culture and health


Clinical Supervision Support Program

Tasmanian Clinical Supervision Support Program


The quality of clinical supervision is one key influence on the quality of the clinical placement, and ultimately, on the calibre of the health practitioner.

Health Workforce Australia’s (HWA) Clinical Supervision Support Program (CSSP) aims to expand clinical supervision capacity and competence across the educational and training continuum by supporting measures to:

• Prepare and train clinical supervisors.
• Deliver and develop a competent clinical supervision workforce, which delivers quality training.

The National Clinical Supervision Skills Initiative

The Skills Initiative is a program operating within the CSSP and aims to deliver a range of interprofessional education and training opportunities for new and existing clinical supervisors across Australia, as facilitated through the TCEN.
