Aboriginal Health Service – Hobart
Welcome to the Aboriginal Health service in Hobart. The services we offer at the AHS in Hobart include:
- Consultations with doctors, Aboriginal Health Workers, specialist paediatrician and general physician, nurses, child health nurse and midwife, diabetes educator, dietician and Allied Health professionals;
- Health promotion campaigns in areas such as: Nutrition; Active lifestyles; Quit smoking; Antenatal support; Oral health; Child and maternal health and Mental health.
- Counselling and social support services
- Alcohol and other drug programs
- Cardio-pulminary programs
- Advocacy with mainstream services and
- Health programs across the lifespan such as: maternal health programs, parenting programs, early learning home visiting, child health clinics, youth and aged care programs
Come and learn about Aboriginal health and culture, the health services we provide and the health supports available to Aboriginals additional to other health services.