4 Simple Steps to Maximum Dental Health
What you are about to read is around 600 words which outline 4 ways in which your dentist would advise you to help care for your teeth. Now, we freely admit, compared to the volumes that have been written about dental care, and the many books that have been published, this is not going to be the most comprehensive dental care text you will ever read.
However, we have actually touched on the point that caring for your teeth and gums need not be the most complicated activity you ever undertake with respect to your dental well-being, and as such you do not need to read the equivalent of an encyclopedia on the matter. In fact, maybe the simpler a healthcare regime is to understand and implement, the more chance there is of people following it. With that thought, here are 4 simple steps to care for your teeth and gums.
Visit Your Dentist For Regular Check-Ups
Nothing can help you ensure your teeth are maintained more than having regular check-ups with your dentist. A check-up can allow your dentist to spot potential issues before they become more serious with the proof being that more tooth loss has been prevented by a dentist identifying a problem during a routine check-up, than anything else.
At your check-ups, your dentist will also be able to advise you on dental issues which might not be visible, but which are causing you concern, such as toothaches or occasional pain within your jawbone. This is also a chance to get teeth whitening, for a visibly healthier looking mouth. Finally, you should know that dental check-ups can also show indications of other illnesses which may exist, allowing you to seek the advice of your doctor more quickly.
Brush Your Teeth Correctly
Everyone knows that brushing their teeth helps protect them and keep them healthy, but there is more to it than simply squeezing the toothpaste onto a toothbrush and moving it around in your mouth. There is a technique to brushing your teeth which maximises the benefit, and that involves holding the brush at a 45° angle, brushing in a circular motion, and brushing all parts of each tooth.
It is also worth knowing that toothbrushes with hard bristles are not suitable unless you have been advised by your dentist to use one for a reason. Otherwise medium and soft-bristled toothbrushes are preferable and gentler on gums.
Floss to Maximise Cleaning Your Teeth
Even if you brush your teeth perfectly every time, and do it regularly throughout the day, it may not be enough for maximum dental care. This is due to the fact that toothbrushes cannot reach 100% of the surface of your teeth, and thus parts of them will not be cleaned fully. In particular, the gaps between your teeth are most at risk.
This is why flossing is essential for optimum dental care as it removes fragments of food stuck between teeth, and it is also highly effective at removing dental plaque which contains bacteria that are harmful to your teeth and gums.
Avoid Sugary Foods and Drinks (Or At Least Reduce Your Intake Of Them)
Last, but certainly by no means least, is the age-old advice about eliminating as much sugar from your diet as possible. Whilst in an ideal world that would mean zero sugar, for most people that is impractical and so you can at least try to eliminate the most obvious sugary food and drinks. Apart from the benefit to your oral health, reducing your sugar intake can also help you keep your weight at a healthier level, which benefits your overall well-being.